Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Titli beyond the fences!!

It’s a beautiful morning as I walk across this place
The sun rays are as soft and mild as it could be
The dew on the flowers can still be seen
It looks like a diamond in the cotton sky
It all looks perfect till I saw
those fences
Placed almost in the middle it disconnected the beauty
You feel stuck like that small butterfly
Amongst those colorful flowers, it must have never thought of these black fences
With battered wings, it makes an effort to fly
Will it fly again; its strength slowly begins to die
It doesn’t scream or we are just not able to hear it
Its strange coz we can scream but there are still fences around us
Finally it moved and I can see it’s breathing all over again
I watched it go away; far away from those fences to the other side slowly & steadily then

You freed yourself but we are still bound with different kind of fences
I don’ want fences dividing us…
I want to remove them or I wish…. I was like you

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Handicap at our own convenience!

The sound of ambulance siren does not reach us... after all we are in more hurry to reach the next signal. Who is bothered if the ambulance got the pass or not.
The doors are shut and so do our ears. The cries of domestic violence don’t reach us. Who cares it’s their family issue.

We are deaf people who become deaf at our own convenience….

Our eyes can see the poor rickshaw driver paying bribe to the police neither can it see a bunch of hooligans teasing a girl in broad day light… we want to carry on.. Isn’t that happens every day …

We are blind people who become blind at our own convenience….

We forget to speak out seeing a girl child being discriminated against a boy child or seeing a 7 year old boy working in a bangle factory
Its not going to change so easily... it’s been like that for years now isn’t ?

We are mute people who become mute at our own convenience….