Monday, November 9, 2009

Sound of Silence

It hops from one face of the tunnel to another
You can see it trickling down from her cheek
It hits you the moment you see her ;the vibes can make you uncomfortable
Ah! and they complain she never spoke what she went through; she never spoke of her pain
They fuss they din't know;they fuss they couldnot care
I say if you couldnot hear the sound of silence;you will never be able to hear the words
She has gone through a lot in life;her half burnt face speaks about it
The questions about her life is piercing her;she stands still
She choose to be silent coz she didnot want to go through the pain of uttering it all over again i guess

I believe the silence was loud enough to understand; silence was calm enough to pinch;silence was deep enough to freeze
But guess some people only listen to words; they can not listen to the silence...


  1. It is very intense.... I hope this isnt your alter ego because you are a happy soul and I hope you always stay that way :PPPP

  2. realy you are free as you write !
    how it likes so
    you want to more......

  3. wow!
    u r a poet too..
    i loved the last line specially:
    "But guess some people only listen to words; they can not listen to the silence..."
    please write often!!

  4. Thanks for your comments Vikas.. Really appreciate it:)

  5. i liked what u wrote here... keep posting surabhi...
